Web-based Java Applications
About This Course
Welcome to this course! Web development is the most common and important programming in daily basic development activities. It can be used for all type of web application: from a single static and simple web page to a dynamic web page with fully functioned-fully fledged application. Java environment provides a dozens of frameworks, and enhances developers with great flexibility and productivity to build a web application.
To get involved in the eco-system of java-frameworks for web development, a very first technology you have to learn is Web application development with Servlet/JSP in Java. I would like to emphasize that you are at the right place to learn the first stage of web development in Java language.
In this course, you will learn the fundamental of web development including mixing html and java codes, to the basic of coding, and to other complex subjects.
Let get sexy coding with Java web!
Course code:
Course name:
Web-Base Java Applications
Estimated duration:
45 hours
Course structure:
In this course, you will be studying the following subjects:
- Introduction to JavaWeb
- General understanding about JSP, Servlet Container
- Form handling & Beans
- Some useful objects and scopes
- Ways to use JDBC in JSP
- Ways to use JSTL in JSP
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the core technologies of modern Java web programming
- Know how to develop and deploy your own websites using Java
Module 1: Java Web Fundamentals
- Getting Started
- Introduction to JavaWeb
- Servlet Container
- Setup Environment
- Building the first application: create a servlet page/and a JSP page
- Deployment descriptor: web.xml
- Deploy on local
- Deploy on the internet
- Nuts and Bots
- Introduction to JSP Elements & JSP Directives
- Importing Java Classes Into JSPs
- Getting URL Parameters
- Scripting HTML
- Including Files In Other Files
- Forwarding and Redirecting
- The Declaration Tag
- JSP Tags Summary
Module 2: Form Handling & Beans
- JSP Beans
- Beans and Scope
- Setting Bean Properties Using Parameters
- Forms
- HTTP Posts
- Using Beans to Store Form Data
- Adding Validation to Beans
- Self-Validating Forms
- Validating Forms Using MVC Architecture
Module 3: Java Web Scopes & Useful Objects
- The Session Object
- The Application Object
- The Servlet Context Object
- Getting Initialization Parameters from web.xml
- Scoped Objects Review
- Cookies
Module 4: Working With Databases
- Connecting to a Database
- Setting Up a JNDI Data Source
- Querying Databases
- Inserting Data Into Databases
Module 5: Simplify JSP page by Using JSTL
- JSTL Tags
- Beginning JSTL: Hello World JSTL
- Accessing Bean Values in JSTL
- Getting URL Parameters in JSTL
- The JSTL "if" Statement
- The Choose Tag in JSTL
- The foreach loop in JSTL
- Referencing Java Objects in JSTL
- JSTL Implicit Objects
- Using Maps in EL
- Outputting Variables: The c:out Tag vs. Using EL Directly
- forEach: Iterating Through Lists
- Using External Files: Graphics, CSS, etc
- Reusable Fragments Using JSTL c:import
- SQL Queries with JSTL
- Setting Variables in JSTL
- Expressions in EL
- Creating URLs With JSTL
- Wildcards and Getting a Single Row in JSTL
- JSTL Functions
- SQL Updates and Transactions in JSTL
- Formatting Using JSTL
- Custom Tags
Students have passed the courses Building the first website, Create your first program, Object-Oriented programming in Java, Desktop Java Applications.
Thiết kế chương trình
Chu Tuấn Luyện - Senior Java Developer. Now he works as a teacher at FPT University.- Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Quanduirach |
In this era, each subject has many relevant material resources including printed and online books. FUNiX Way does not stipulate any specific learning resources but recommends students to choose the most suitable ones themselves. During the learning process from different sources according to such individual choices, when generating questions, students will be connected to the mentors as quickly as possible for appropriate answers. All the assessments of multiple choice questions, projects, assignments, and oral exams are designed, built and operated by FUNiX.
FUNiX courses do not specifically specify any learning materials. Instead, students can actively search and learn from any suitable source including printed books or online material sources (MOOC) or websites. Students must take full responsibilities for the use of those MOOCs and ensure that they properly follow the source owners' policies, except the case they have a formal cooperation with FUNiX. If students are in need of any support, they can contact the FUNiX training department for instructions.
Below are some sources that the students can refer to. Listing the sources below does not necessarily imply that FUNiX has a formal cooperation with the source owner: Udemy
All open learning sources used in FUNiX training program are public, constantly updated and freely used. FUNiX is always willing to receive and discuss any comments, suggestions and responses related to our learning sources via email program@funix.edu.vn.